Created by Matthew 3 years ago
While I was working in the market research world with Jen, she always said she wanted to be a lawyer. After I left for New York, she started to make that happen. She turned my old bedroom into her study room and spent hours in there studying her law books. When I came to visit, usually jet lagged, I would have no problem picking up a book on contract law and being asleep by page 3!
She then began her interest in immigration law, which she was very successful at. She was able to change people’s lives immensely, whether they could stay in the U.K., whether they could work, whether they could have a new and better life. She had clients calling her in tears of gratitude for what she had been able to do for them. I don’t think there’s any better job satisfaction than that. She had found her calling and was very good at it. So, to everyone she helped she was a godsend and they will always remember her fondly, as do I.